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Light painting series: Kickoff Prep Football Portraits

Zillah High School sophomore Clayson Delp Friday, Aug. 16, 2019, in Yakima, Wash. Studio equipment: Clip-on studio light source covered with an orange gel, transmitter and receiver, and speed light flash Settings: ISO - 125 | Exposure - 4.6 seconds | f/8 | Focal length - 50mm

This is a collection of feature photos from Yakima Herald-Republic's Kickoff 2019 Prep Football Preview. Photojournalists Amanda Ray and Evan Abell met with 18 high school football athletes for a light painting project - an imaging technique that uses a moving light source while taking a long-exposure photograph. Both photographers took an outside light source in motion to enhance each image. This project took planning, practice, patience, and help from these talented athletes to create rewarding images.

Here is Amanda Ray’s collection.


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